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Am Pult der Zeit?! Chancengleichheit in Berufsorchestern (rolled poster #2)


The orchestra survey conducted by the German Music Information Centre (miz) among all publicly financed orchestras provides for the first time a detailed breakdown of the proportion of women and men in the individual voice groups as well as in the positions. The result shows that women are strongly represented at 39.6 per cent. However, they are underrepresented in leadership positions, especially in the top orchestras. There, their share is 21.9 per cent, while it is 30 per cent on average in all orchestras.

The poster in the series ‘Musical Life in Figures’ visualises key results of the miz orchestra survey. The infographic shows how many women and men play in the vocal groups of the orchestras and in which position they do so.

For a lasting impression, the poster is available as a large-format quality print to hang up.

Versand- und Servicepauschale je Exemplar

Versand- und Servicepauschale je Exemplar:

9,95 € (im Inland)

18,95 € (im EU-Ausland)

26,95 € (außerhalb der EU)

Lieferzeit: voraussichtlich 5-7 Werktage

Zahlung: per Rechnung.

Herausgeber: Deutscher Musikrat gemeinnützige Projektgesellschaft mbH / Deutsches Musikinformationszentrum (miz)
2021, 67x93,8 cm
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