Filters to narrow down the results
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Target groups
- Children (3)
- Young people (21)
- Elderly people (1)
- Families (2)
- Beginners (47)
- Advanced (53)
- Amateur musicians (111)
- Professional musicians / Music students (49)
- Choirmasters and orchestra conductors (30)
- Church musicians (17)
- Instrument teachers / Voice teachers (69)
- Teachers at schools of general education (65)
- Social pedagogues (20)
- Educators / Kindergarten teachers (23)
- Youth leaders (Amateur music) (2)
- Board members / Managers (Amateur music / Musik schools) (7)
- Bowed string instruments (2)
- Woodwind instruments (14)
- Brass instruments (15)
- Plucked instruments (17)
- Piano and historic keyboard instruments (8)
- Other keyboard instruments and bellows-driven instruments (5)
- Harmonica instruments (2)
- Percussion instruments (25)
- Other instruments (2)
- Singing / Voice training (28)
- Musical instrument making (2)
- Music communication / Concert education / Theatre education (2)
- Community music (3)
- Elementary music-making (11)
- Singing with children / Music in day care centres (8)
- Music education at school (5)
- Music-making with classes (e.g. with wind instrument classes or singing classes) (6)
- Instrumental pedagogy (12)
- Vocal pedagogy (9)
- Musicians' health / Training methods (12)
- Inclusive music education (5)
- Music therapy (12)
- Blasmusikverband Baden-Württemberg e.V. (24)
- Offene Jazz Haus Schule e. V. (24)
- Verband Evangelische Kirchenmusik in Württemberg e.V. (16)
- Rhythmuswelten (13)
- Akademie für angewandte Musiktherapie Crossen (12)
- Bundesakademie für musikalische Jugendbildung Trossingen (11)
- Thüringer Landesmusikakademie Sondershausen (11)
- exploratorium berlin (11)
- Nordkolleg Rendsburg (9)
- Brümmer, Bernd (7)
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